“Happy New Year” is an overrated phrase, if not, sometimes, a meaningless wish. 1) How can we wish it to anyone when HAPPINESS means different things to different people? 2) What is really NEW about the year? Chances are we’re going to live and do the same old things. Forget the hype, inflated expectations, and one-day wonder resolutions! The new YEAR is only new when there’s a new PERSON—one with a new spirit and a new set of values. “Happy New Year” should not be a wish; it must be a will. Not a change on a calendar date, but a change from within. Not a new year, but a new YOU! “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17; Matthew 5:1-10). Is it “Happy New Year!” yet for you? It starts with being a better version of yourself. Happy New YOU!
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