When it comes to knowing God’s plan for our lives, our intent to obey determines whether or not He will reveal the content to us. Why should He disclose who we should marry, career to pursue, truth to follow, or the what, when, & how of a duty to perform, when we have no intention of obeying, or are flouting things He’s already clearly revealed in His Word? Christ’s statement in another context equally applies: “Anyone who wants to do the will of God [INTENT] will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own [CONTENT]” (John 7:17; NLT). Are you seeking to know God’s will—e.g., an action to take, a choice to make, a journey to undertake, a relationship to forsake or break, etc.? Rest assured, clarity & certainty will come when we commit ahead of time to obeying Him. Intent precedes content (Proverbs 3:3-5).—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim
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