Don’t Procrastinate!

Procrastination has lots of time. It has 25 hours in a day and an 8th day of the week called “Someday.” Procrastination’s busiest day is tomorrow—the day it makes major decisions, accomplishes great things, and effects important changes. Trusting Procrastination to do what needs to be done? Yesterday it promised “one of these days,” and today it’s pledging to do it “later.” But to do it later is to do it late, and one of these days is NONE of these days. Have no faith in Procrastination’s promises or achievements. It will ruin your dreams, opportunities, and destiny (Proverbs 6:6-11; Acts 24:24, 25). To get things done, begin NOW!—for “Now” is the only time Procrastination can guarantee!—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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