Beware of Monkey Solutions

The Danger of Good Intentions

Beware of well-intentioned but misguided solutions to problems. Misguided zeal can wreak havoc.

Retired Archbishop Peter Kwasi Sarpong of Kumasi, Ghana, tells the story of how a group of monkeys sought to help some fishes they saw struggling in a raging flood. Quickly jumping down from their trees, and with much difficulty, the monkeys caught the fishes one by one and placed them on dry land. Soon, lots of fishes piled on the shore—all motionless. Turning to each other, the monkeys said: “See, the tired fishes are sleeping and resting. Had it not been for us, they’d all have drowned. When they wake up, they’d be very grateful that we’ve given them salvation.”

Did the well-meaning monkeys bring salvation to the fishes? No, they brought death! Zeal without knowledge is risky and destructive (Proverbs 19:2; cf. Romans 10:2). In the face of danger, ignorance in action is as dangerous as stupidity or inaction. Beware of monkey solutions—of the danger of good intentions!—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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