Cancer of the Soul

It was the first malady ever to be introduced into the universe, and the last that will be rooted out. This grave disease is no respecter of persons. It has afflicted paupers & princes, priests & prophets, and even holy angels. The dreadful condition is best known as PRIDE or self-conceit. Often, this spiritual cancer begins with a seemingly harmless feeling that we’re unappreciated, neglected, or despised. It spreads when we believe our ideas, experiences, or ways are superior to all others, or that some tasks are “beneath us.” The condition is critical when we always look down on others to the point of not caring about them. It becomes terminal when we stubbornly refuse to accept our faults or receive instruction or correction, or cherish the spirit of envy, unforgiveness, or hate. The cancer of the soul is deadly! To deny you have it is to be incurable (Proverbs 16:5, 18).—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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