Labor Day or Rest Day?

The irony is, we rest on our “Labor Days” and labor on God’s “Rest Days.” Our Labor Days are yearly HOLIDAYS. God’s Rest Days are weekly HOLY days. Labor Days fall on different days (e.g., May 1 for most countries & the first Monday of September for USA & Canada). But God’s Rest Days are always on the seventh-day of the week—Saturday. We remember our Labor Days, taking the day off to relax and pay tribute to those who fought for bearable and safer working conditions. But we forget God’s Rest Days, not pausing to honor His great accomplishments of Creation and continued sustenance. “REMEMBER the Sabbath Day to keep it holy…” is a Commandment, not a suggestion. We’re blessed on the Rest Day when we cease from our labors, so God can work in us (Exodus 20:8-12; Ezekiel 20:20; Isaiah 58:13, 14).—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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