Lily White Lies

White lies are neither pretty nor harmless. They are as deadly as slander, libel, or perjury. Any word or action intended to deceive constitutes a lie. White lies include the evasion of truth, deceptive compliments, flatteries, exaggerations, subtle misrepresentations, and stating facts in ways that convey falsehood. We also lie by our silence, glance of the eye, motion of the hand, and even our countenance. All lies—regardless of their color or shade—are harmful, for they erode trust, violate God’s Law, and have their source in Satan, the father of lies. (Exodus 20:16; Proverbs 6:12-14; Matthew 5:37; John 8:44). Let truth be your partner, for the ugly truth is more adorable than lily white lies.—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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