Look For Your Real Mother

She May Not Be the One You Think!

Your real mother is not necessarily the woman who carried you in the womb or gave birth to you. She is not even the woman who raised or cared for you (e.g., adoptive mother, step-mother, guardian, grandmother, aunt, big sister, or social worker). Motherhood is much more than biology (nature) and sociology (nurture); it’s also theology (Scripture).

To His own question, “Who is My MOTHER, or My brothers?” Jesus explained, “Whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and MOTHER” (Mark 3:33-35).

True motherhood (or kinship) is much more than genetics, pedigree, or nurturing; it is a spiritual relationship.

Your real mother is that caring woman who leads you to discover and to do God’s will. She’s that person who equips you for usefulness and service in this world AND in the world to come. Your real mother (dead or alive) is that woman who still lives in you through the spiritual values & principles that govern your life today and prepares you for Heaven.

Take a moment to reflect, then look for your real mother(s). Thank God for them, and tangibly wish them a Happy Mother’s Day. And if you’re a woman, ask yourself if you are a real mother.—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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