Christianity and churches are not the answer. Christians are not the answer. Christ is. And there’s a difference…. Churches are the fastest growing industries on the continent of Africa. Usually, the only raw materials needed to establish a new church is a set of drums & a male drummer, two or three women to sing & dance, a clown to serve as “God’s anointed” holy man, & any street corner to establish this for-profit business called church. And the types they often attract or produce are those whose minds are still in chains, in spite of being in possession of the source of all wisdom, the Bible, & being able to read it.—S.K. Pipim, The Transformed Mind, pp. 204, 205-206.

SAMUEL KORANTENG-PIPIM,PH.D. , is a US-based Ghanaian author, inspirational speaker, leadership trainer, and an advocate for youth empowerment. He was trained in engineering and systematic theology, and has authored more than twenty books. They include his bestselling works Hope Through the Dark, Six More Chances, Healed Wounds but Ugly Scars, and Patience in the Midst of Trials and Afflictions. Dr. Pipim currently directs two Centers for Leadership Development known as EAGLES (Empowerment & Advisory Group for Leadership, Excellence, & Service) and ANANSE (African Network & Advisory for Needed Services & Excellence). He also serves as a special consultant on Bible projects for Remnant Publications.
Be an EAGLE, Not a Chicken