Quit Self-Pity

One doesn’t have to be good-looking, talented, intelligent, powerful, or rich to be proud. Pride also infects some of the ugliest, seemingly ungifted, ignorant, oppressed, and poorest people. SELF-PITY is the pride of the weak and suffering. It’s the most subtle form of pride because, while pretending to be very needy, it is actually unrenewed self clamoring for attention. Priding itself in its deprived status, self-pity often masquerades as “humility.” It’s delusional, seeing itself as “a victim”—whether of circumstances or of self-inflicted choices and actions. Self-pity is all about being indulgently selfish—and perfectly miserable. As branded-pride for the disadvantaged, it begins innocently as “Why Me,” but quickly grows to dethrone God and enthrone SELF. When self-pity refuses to acknowledge its loathsome condition, it is incurable and deadly. Quit it! (Proverbs 29:23; James 4:6).—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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