They See & See Through

Mothers meet a need that no other can. They see what a thousand eyes might miss, hear the inaudible sighs, and touch our broken spirits. When our neon smiles confuse the rest of the world that all is well, mothers know that our worlds are falling apart. The light they represent might grow dim in the rough rides of life, but mothers keep ours lit, breathing hope and love into every minute on our behalf. Our joys are theirs, just as they inhabit our sorrows. Mothers see through our pretenses: They hear the well-masked pain behind our words, the frustration behind our restlessness, and the confusion behind our orderliness. God honors mothers, whether their ties are rooted in biology (nature), sociology (nurture), or theology (Scripture). And the world owes mothers a huge debt for their sacrifices (Proverbs 23:25; cf. Isaiah 66:13). So, from the depths of very grateful hearts, we say “Thank you, Mothers!”—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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