We Are Adopted

Our Father has many children—and still wants more!  We were all adopted. With His limitless resources and wisdom, He cares for each one of us—as though we are the only ones He has. None of us has seen our Father—the only exception being our Elder Brother who has always lived with Him and who came to live with us for a short time. Thus, our only dependable knowledge of our Father is what our senior Brother has revealed about Him. He tells us that our Father is a King, the ruler of a vast kingdom. That our family here is an extension of a larger family. Before He departed to be with Father, Big Brother said, “I go to my Father and your Father” (John 20:17). And to remind us to boldly approach Him with anything, He taught us to call Him “ABBA, Father” (Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:5, 6).  This special name of endearment expresses the close, intimate relationship we have with Him. Just as a trusting child comes to “Daddy” to tell him anything, we also can tell “Abba, Father” anything that is on our hearts. Anything and everything! Our joys, our sorrows, our worries, our hurts, and our struggles. We can confidently approach Him with the things we need and the things we’re thankful for. We can share with Him our deepest thoughts and feelings, our deepest desires and longings, and our most painful and embarrassing experiences—including the sins we wrestle with. Yes, we can bring them all to our loving Father, and know that He will hear us with a sympathetic heart, a heart of love and kindness. Yes, we do have a living, loving, and eternal Heavenly Father, and we will always have His shoulders to lean on and His embrace to sustain us. Why? Because we are adopted—and He is our ABBA, Father.—Samuel Koranteng-Pipim


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